What are the Terms and Conditions?
Terms and conditions / user agreement
“SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk or WeBuyBackCurrency.co.uk or TCS Customer Services Ltd or TCS Ltd” is referred to as “the company / us / we”
“You, the client” is referred to as “you/your”
“Booking Reference Number” is referred to as “Ticket number"
"Currency WE BUY" is referred to as "Buyback"
Before opening an account with the company, we would ask that you fully read the following terms and conditions of service. By selecting the “I ACCEPT” box to open your account, you are signifying that you fully understand , accept and are bound by the terms of this agreement.
We cannot accept coins or defaced/damaged notes.
Any returns including these shall be deemed as an INVALID currency and the return of said currency shall be at your expense. Information regarding the return process of said currency shall be provided.
500 EURO notes are accepted and are subject to a charge of 5 Euros each (we convert 495 Euros to GBP for every 500 note).
When you set up your account with the company - Personal Account
The company will ensure that any personal data given when opening up an account will be kept securely and shall not be used for marketing from a third party. The company is a registered data controller and as such, must adhere to the data protection act 1998.
The company does not perform any credit checks on any customers for any reason.
The company shall not be held responsible for inaccurate address details , which are entered by you, the client. We would however point out that your correct name and address shall be required to ensure your cheque payments are made out to the correct name and that they are sent to the correct address.
When editing account details, it is only possible for you to change your address details. Any name change must be requested directly to the company and must be supported by valid documents which we shall require copies of (for example, marriage certificate,) or you must open a new account. The company shall NOT make a cheque payment payable to anyone apart from the person named on the account. If you require a cheque to go to a third party, we suggest you give them the currency and ask them to open an account.
By opening an account you are deemed to accept, acknowledge, agree and are bound by these terms.
SUYC Business Accounts
Company Business Account
Company business accounts can only be used for company transactions where your customer has paid your company in currency notes for goods or services that you have provided for your customer.
In certain cases, SUYC shall require proof of a transaction, be it a sales invoice or correspondence supporting the sale of goods or services. Requests for proof are dependent on the value of the transaction but can also be random requests at any time.
Company business accounts cannot be used for trading in currency on a cash for currency or a currency for cash basis. In these cases, your business account would need to be upgraded to either a MSB business account or an Exchange Bureau business account. Please contact us for further details if you require your business account upgraded.
It is illegal to trade in currency for cash without a license to do so.
Payments from SUYC shall always only be made to the company name by either BACS transfer to the company account or a cheque drawn to the company name for the correct value. Choosing your payment method is discussed in these terms and conditions under “Issuing cheques/ Bacs payments from the company” and are also advised in our email correspondence when you book in your currency for return to this company.
SUYC takes no responsibility for the authentication of currency note you accept from your customers for goods and/or services. It is solely your responsibility to ensure all currency notes are valid (in circulation) and authentic. Various checked devices are available thus we would ask that you find a suitable device to verify your currency notes.
Any notes returned to SUYC which are found to be fraudulent, counterfeit, badly damaged or out of circulation shall not be paid. In these circumstances, currency notes shall be returned unless they are found to be fraudulent or counterfeit, in which case the suspect notes shall be passed to the proper authority and a receipt obtained.
MSB Business Account
Money Service Business accounts (MSB) can only be used where a business already has a MSB license, where the business licence name is solely in the name of the business.
The business must be the primary license holder and NOT hold a license under another unrelated company name or as an agent of another company/business.
The MSB license for the primary business must include registration as a bureau de change on their license.
A copy of your MSB license may be requested by SUYC. This request may be made each year on or around the renewal date of your MSB license.
In certain cases, SUYC may require proof of transactions, where the volume of currency returns exceeds maximum values over set periods. These values are examined from time to time and adjusted where necessary, but are not expressed as a value to you. Requests for proof are dependent on the value of the transactions but can also be random requests at any time.
Periodic requests for proof of transactions is, in the companies view, in line with proper monitoring techniques as suggested and requested by HMRC (MSB regulator).
Payments from SUYC shall always only be made to the company name by either BACS transfer to the company account or a cheque drawn to the company name for the correct value. Choosing your payment method is discussed in these terms and conditions under “Issuing cheques/ Bacs payments from the company” and are also advised in our email correspondence when you book in your currency for return to this company.
SUYC takes no responsibility for the authentication of currency note you accept from your customers for goods and/or services. It is solely your responsibility to ensure all currency notes are valid (in circulation) and authentic. Various checked devices are available thus we would ask that you find a suitable device to verify your currency notes.
Any notes returned to SUYC which are found to be fraudulent, counterfeit, badly damaged or out of circulation shall not be paid. In these circumstances, currency notes shall be returned unless they are found to be fraudulent or counterfeit, in which case the suspect notes shall be passed to the proper authority and a receipt obtained.
Exchange Bureau Business Account
Exchange Bureau business accounts can be opened by any business who wants to run their own Bureau de Change.
Exchange Bureau memberships include your MSB license and all the systems and tools required to successfully run your own currency exchange.
When joining this membership, you shall sign an exchange bureau agreement which includes the full terms and conditions of SUYC
Exchange Bureau and SUYC are both trading names of The Cheque Shop Ltd.
For further info on Exchange Bureau, please visit www.exchange-bureau.co.uk
Sending your currency to the company
1. We shall send you a secure envelope (unpaid)
This is the default option for returning your currency. If this option is left selected on the “booking in” page, you will receive a Royal Mail Special Delivery envelope with 1-2 days of booking in your currency. This is dependent on the time of day that you book your currency in.
Bookings made Monday to Friday before 4.00pm and Saturday before 11am, shall have their envelope dispatched the same day. Bookings made after these times shall be sent the next working day. Bookings made after 11am on Saturday and all day Sunday shall be processed on Monday (except when it's a public/bank holiday).
Your Secure envelope shall arrive by first class mail, within an envelope, to the address that you have registered when setting up your account. If your address has changed, please ensure you change this via your account settings BEFORE you book in your currency, or it will be sent to your previous address as noted on your account.
Your Special Delivery envelope will already have our return address printed on the front and your address already added to the sender's address section of the envelope for your convenience. Details of the returns process shall also be included along with two copies of your returns slip. Please send one copy slip back with your currency. If you forget to include a copy of the returns slip, we can still easily verify your return, with reference numbers attached to your secure envelope.
Please Note: We cannot accept coins with your return. All other note sizes are accepted but must not be defaced/badly damaged and must be in circulation. Any coins or defaced/badly damaged notes shall be treated as " INVALID CURRENCY" and you shall be advised by email as to the process for their return to you.
When you have checked that your return totals are correct, you can place then inside the Special Delivery envelope, along with the returns slip, then seal.
PLEASE NOTE: You must take the Special Delivery envelope to any post office counter to send. The post office will scan your envelope and give you a receipt upon payment of the correct Special Delivery fee. The postal and insurance fee must be sufficient to insure the sterling value of your currency returned; either £500, £1000 or £2500.
Please DO NOT post the envelope in a normal mail box, as you have to pay for its return and insure it to the correct value.
REMEMBER: We shall refund your postage fees for any return received with a "Booked In" value of over £400.
2. Sending back yourself - Self Post
If you decide you don’t want to wait for the envelope to arrive, you can select "self post" in your account booking page. When this is selected, you shall see a "print icon" appear. This is the Self Post returns slip which you should print off and send with your return.
Once you have selected self post and printed your Self Post Returns slip, you will no longer be able to select back to the default option but will still be able to print the returns slip.
If you have selected self post and have changed your mind and would like a Secure envelope sent out, you should contact us (while logged in) referring to the problem and the booking number, or email us at support@sellusyourcurrency.co.uk.
Please Note: We cannot accept coins with your return. All other note sizes are accepted but must not be defaced/badly damaged and must be in circulation. Any coins or defaced/badly damaged notes shall be treated as " INVALID CURRENCY" and you shall be advised by email as to the process for their return to you.
We would strongly advise the use of Royal Mail Special Delivery with the relevant amount of insurance to exceed the sterling value of the currency being sent to us.
Insurance bands with Royal Mail Special Delivery can be added as £500, £1000 and £2500.
If you are not sending currency back to us using Royal Mail Special Delivery, we would always advise that the currency is returned by a “sign for” and “tracked” delivery to ensure it is signed for by the company. This also forms your proof of delivery to our offices.
The company will take no responsibility for currency that gets lost in the post, by whichever means it arrives to our offices.
If you return £400 or more (sterling value of currency sent) with or without using Royal Mail Special Delivery, we shall refund you your postage costs based on the sterling valuation of your returned currency as per the Royal Mail Special Delivery price structure, even if Special Delivery was not used.
Check here for up to date Royal Mail Special Delivery Prices
For further information please see the “Special Delivery postage refunds” section in terms and conditions.
Before sending any currency to the company, a return sheet must be printed off and included in the envelope. If you don’t have access to a printer, a hand written sheet of paper will be sufficient. Please ensure any hand written sheets are legible.
You must also ensure that you enter your ticket number, which must be applied for before sending your currency back.
Your currency should then be posted to:
The Cheque Shop Ltd
Returns Department
50 - 52 High Street
EH33 1HQ
PLEASE NOTE: You must take your envelope to any post office counter to send. The post office will ask what delivery method you require. Please ask for Special Delivery and insure to the correct value. The post office will scan your envelope and give you a receipt. You will need to pay the post office the correct fee.
Please DO NOT post the envelope in a normal mail box, as you have to pay for its return and insure it to the correct value.
REMEMBER: We shall refund your postage fees for any return received with a "Booked In" value of over £400.
When your currency arrives at our offices.
We shall sign for your delivery.
We shall then open every envelope/packet in the presence of two company representatives (CCTV Recorded) and immediately count the currency to confirm the totals are correct.
If the currency totals are correct, as per your booked in totals, you will then be sent a confirmation email stating that we have received your currency and that all is present and correct.
If the totals are not correct, two company representatives shall re count the currency. If the totals still do not match, a supervisor will be called to check the totals for a third time.*
If you have sent MORE currency than you have stated on your returns sheet (or booked in), we will recalculate the sterling value to the higher amount and confirm this to you in our confirmation email.*
If you have sent LESS currency than you have stated on your returns sheet (or booked in), we will recalculate the sterling value to the lower amount and confirm this to you in our confirmation email.*
If you have sent an INCORRECT currency, this being a currency which doesn't match the currency type as selected in your booked in return, we shall change the currency type to the currency returned, work out the correct sterling value and email you to confirm what we have done along with your new sterling value.*
If you have sent an INVALID currency, this being a currency that is not the currency booked in but another currency type not dealt with by the company, you will be emailed advising you that your return was invalid. An INVALID currency could also mean you have sent coins and/or defaced/badly damaged notes, or that the notes are no longer in circulation. In these cases, you will then be directed to send us a pre paid Royal Mail Secure envelope to allow us to return the currency back to you. The company shall not bear any cost in returning currency which has been sent in error or is badly defaced/damaged.*
*The company count, verification of totals and currency identification shall be deemed as correct and is final. No correspondence shall be entered into and no discussions take place on the totals, currency type or authentication. When entering into this agreement, you agree to adhere to the company decision as to the total, currency type or authentication of currency notes sent back and you shall not seek to make any claim whatsoever against the company in relation to this matter for any reason. Individual CCTV recordings are made of every return envelope we process. These are available (on request) to any customer where we have stated a SHORTAGE in their returned currency total.
All currency notes will be checked at the time of counting by two company representatives to ensure it is not counterfeit or fraudulent. Techniques and systems used by the company to check for counterfeit/fraudulent currency, changes from time to time depending on security notifications that we receive. If we find any counterfeit notes in your currency, you will be notified in your confirmation email and your sterling payout reduced accordingly.
Any counterfeit notes that we deduct from your totals will NOT be returned to you. The counterfeit notes shall be passed to the appropriate authority and a receipt obtained. Your name and address details will also be given if we are requested to do so. This shall not be deemed as a breach of data protection. The company would like to point out that this is a very rare occurrence and that usually it shall be one or two notes in a larger bundle, which confirms it is not a deliberate act.
If your currency total sent is counted and found to be LESS or MORE than your suggested booked in amount, the company may contact you directly on this matter. This would only be the case if the shortfall or excess is a substantial amount compaired to your suggested booked in total. In these cases, your return may be put on HOLD until we have made contact and clarified the reason for the error.
When counted, checked and confirmed, we shall email you confirming receipt of your currency, confirmation of the totals being correct and confirm the sterling value.
Surcharge for returning 500 Euro notes
This surcharge is deducted on return by amending your return total for your booking/s to the value of 5 Euro for each 500 Euro note returned with that booking. We shall change your status and email you about this total amendment and charge.
When booking in a return value of Euros of 500 or greater, you shall be presented with an onscreen message advising of the additional 1% charge on every 500 Euro note returned.
For ease of calculation, the company has chosen to impose this 1% charge by deducting 5 Euros for every 500 Euro note returned with any one booking. If multiple bookings exist that contain 500 Euro notes, then all bookings will receive separate notification of the charge amount deducted, based on the number of 500 Euro notes contained in each booking.
By deducting 5 Euros for each 500 Euro note returned, the rate given when booking, if still within the guaranteed period, shall continue to be honoured on the whole booking/s thus ensuring only any 500 Euro notes returned shall bear this extra 1% charge with the remainder of the booking, if the contents also contain other lower Euro note sizes, shall not be subject to any additional charges.
By proceeding with your booking/s and subsequently returning your currency to this company, you are confirming that you understand and acknowledge acceptance of this charge.
If, on returning 500 Euro notes, you decide that you do not want to proceed with the booking either because of the additional 1% or for any other reason, you will be liable to pay the relevant Royal Mail Special Delivery fee. This fee must be paid to the company before we will send back your currency. The fee payable is shown in these terms and conditions under "Postage Refunds" and shall be payable based on the insurance level required which covers the GBP value of the returned currency. The postage fee you paid to send the currency to us shall not be refunded (if applicable).
No further admin fees or charges shall be imposed/added by the company.
Your Guaranteed Rate Periods
If your currency arrives (signed for date) within the 3 days' rate fix period, your sterling total shall be as per your quote when you booked your currency in and received your returns ticket number.
If your currency arrives (signed for date) after the 3 day fixed rate period has expired, you shall be advised as to your new sterling total on your confirmation email. The new rate shall be the prevailing rate of exchange on the day of arrival at our premises (signed for date). In the event of your currency arriving more than 3 days after booking in, the prevailing rate for the date of receipt may be higher or lower that the expired fixed rate.
If your 3 DAYS guarantee falls on or includes a Sunday, this shall not be counted as one of your guaranteed days. Example: A return booked in on Friday at 1pm would be covered under the 3 day rate guarantee until Tuesday 1pm.
Returns arriving on a Saturday shall be collected/signed for, and updated as received but shall not be processed until the Monday.
Bank Holidays will not be counted as one of your guaranteed days.
If your currency sterling total qualifies for your postage costs to be refunded, it will be added and shown on your confirmation email as “postage fee refund”. The postage fee refund will be issued in line with the cost of sending the currency to us via Royal Mail Special Delivery with the addition of the insurance premium relevant to the sterling value of currency sent to us.
If your currency arrives (signed for date) within the 4 days' rate fix period, your sterling total shall be as per your quote when you booked your currency in and received your returns ticket number.
If your currency arrives (signed for date) after the 4 day fixed rate period has expired, you shall be advised as to your new sterling total on your confirmation email. The new rate shall be the prevailing rate of exchange on the day of arrival at our premises (signed for date). In the event of your currency arriving more than 4 days after booking in, the prevailing rate for the date of receipt may be higher or lower that the expired fixed rate.
If your 4 DAYS guarantee falls on or includes a Sunday, this shall not be counted as one of your guaranteed days. Example: A return booked in on Friday at 1pm would be covered under the 4 day rate guarantee until Wednesday 1pm.
Returns arriving on a Saturday shall be collected/signed for, but shall not be processed until the Monday.
Bank Holidays will not be counted as one of your guaranteed days.
If your currency sterling total qualifies for your postage costs to be refunded, it will be added and shown on your confirmation email as “postage fee refund”. The postage fee refund will be issued in line with the cost of sending the currency to us via Royal Mail Special Delivery with the addition of the insurance premium relevant to the sterling value of currency sent to us.
Issuing cheques/ bacs payments from the company
When we have received, checked and verified your currency we will then send you your confirmation email confirming your sterling totals. If your returned currency qualifies for a “postage fee refund”, the correct postage amount shall be either added to your payment or issued on a separate cheque.
We will post your cheque(s) within 24hours of receipt/processing of your currency, (except Saturdays which shall be processed on the following Monday).
Postage days are the business week, namely, Monday to Friday. Items arriving on the Friday shall not have a cheque posted till Monday. Returns arriving on a Saturday shall be treated as a Monday arrival.
Bank Holidays will not be counted as a postage day.
In the unlikely event that your payment cheque gets lost in the post, the company will immediately put a stop on your lost cheque. In these circumstances, the company shall not issue a replacement cheque until 7 days have expired from being notified your original cheque has gone missing. This is a strict company policy to stop any attempt by a third party attempting to cash your cheque.
We would advise leaving it a few days before reporting a cheque lost. If the cheque were to arrive the following day, it would have already been stopped by the company and the 7 day period would have to expire before a replacement cheque is issued.
The company reserves the right to send your cheque, be it your first cheque or a replacement cheque, by first class recorded mail, if it sees fit. We will not advise you that we have done so and this shall be done on a completely random basis.
BACS payments can be made upon request via your "Contact Us" tab while logged in or via admin@sellusyourcurrency.co.uk.
BACS payment requests must be made in email form (or entered as a note with your returned currency or written on the returns form) to ensure we have a written request on file.
In your request for a BACS payment, all we require is your Booking Reference Number, Name on the Account, Sort Code and Account Number. The account name must match your SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk account name.
The company shall not be held responsible if you give us incorrect account details/numbers, but shall be responsible if we input your provided details incorrectly. If the company makes a payment error, we shall immediately rectify the error by paying the payment amount again, to the correct account. If you make an error and the account details you provide are incorrect and payment has already been made, we shall not rectify the payment until the original payment has been claimed back/returned from the relevant incorrect bank account.
BACS Payment requests must be made each time you make a new booking. This is to ensure the company do not use old account data where a client has changed their account and not told us the new account number and sort code. SellUsYourCurrency does NOT store your account details against your account for the reason noted above, hence if a BACS payment request is not received for a new booking, the payment shall be made using the default payment method, namely cheque.
BACS payments can only be paid to an account with the same name as your SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk account. Payments will be made within 1-2 business days of receiving and verifying your currency. Status updates shall be emailed confirming the progress of your order and it's payment.
The maximum BACS payment allowable in any 24 hour period is £2250, at the companies discretion.
Additional Information Request
The company may, at any time, ask for further information to be provided for a transaction or personal identification. Failure to provide such information shall be deemed as a breach of the terms and conditions of your account, in which case the company may take the action of closing your account and removing your ability to access the same.
The company shall request identification to be uploaded or sent where your transaction sterling total exceeds £4000 in any 365 day period. This is a legal requirement.
Additional requirements when returning 500 Euro notes
The company may require further information with regards to return of excessive 500 Euro notes. The company shall retain details of previously returned amounts and where the company feels it appropriate it shall request further information as to the source of the said notes or any future notes. The company may deny the encashment of 500 euro notes at any time without giving reason to do so. If further information as to the source of notes is requested, the company would ask that our customers act reasonably when supplying the requested information. If the requested information is not forthcoming, the company may take the decision not to proceed with the currency conversion or any further conversions from the same customer.
Company Newsletter
The company shall email you a newsletter or other email directly from the company relating to the company's current activities. If you do not wish to receive further emails from the company, you should replay to the said email and insert the word "REMOVE" in the subject matter of the reply email. You shall then be removed from the email distribution list. The company shall not share, sell or pass on your email to any third party without your consent.
Special Delivery Postage Refunds.
If you return £400 or more (sterling value of currency sent), we shall refund you your postage costs based on the sterling valuation of your returned currency as per the Royal Mail Special Delivery NEXT DAY before 1pm pricing structure as shown here, Royal Mail Special Delivery Prices.
Postage refunds are based on the use of Royal Mail Special Delivery NEXT DAY service. The use of Royal Mail Guaranteed before 9.00am or Guaranteed Saturday delivery is allowable but returns shall only be paid as per NEXT DAY before 1pm pricing structure. The use of Saturday Guaranteed is not advisable as returns received on a Saturday shall have their status changed to "Return Received" but shall not be fully processed until the Monday.
In our experience, Next Day items sent on a Friday WILL arrive on the Saturday without the expense of paying for a Guaranteed Saturday delivery.
For returns that qualify, the correct postage fee shall be added to your cheque value for your currency or sent on a separate cheque. We require no proof of what you paid for your postage. This shall be an automatic addition for qualifying returns and paid at the Royal Mail band applicable to the sterling value and weight of your return.
Please ensure your Post Office counter doesn't over insure your return, as Postage Refunds shall only be paid as per the Sterling value and weight of your return.
Postage refunds are also paid even if your return has been sent without the use of Special Delivery, even although we would always advise the use of Special Delivery, insured to the correct level.
In these cases the refunded fee shall be based on the value of currency returned as shown below.
Up to £500 sterling value
Up to £1000 sterling value
Up to £2500 sterling value
* Prices correct from 25th March 2021, based on a postal weight of 100g.
Weights over 100g (upto 500g) shall have an additional charge of £0.80p added to the relevant applicable fee as shown above.
Data Protection Act 1998
All information given is confidential and shall be treated within the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998
Your personal data will be treated in confidence and will not be disclosed to any third parties except where permitted by law or where you have given your consent.
The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you rights to access the personal data we hold about you, the right to correct any inaccurate or out-of-date information, and the right to ask us not to process your information for marketing purposes. We are entitled to make a charge for giving you access but corrections are free, as are deletions from our marketing list. Please inform us immediately if you become aware that we are holding inaccurate or out-of-date information about you. Your address and postcode data can be edited in your account, but your name cannot. If you require any such changes to your name, please contact accounts@sellusyourcurrency.co.uk, specifying your request.
Deletion from our company email newsletter and associated company emails can be actioned by also emailing accounts@sellusyourcurrency.co.uk
Data Protection Act 1998
Data Protection Act 1998 gives you rights to access the personal data we hold about you, the right to correct any inaccurate or out-of-date information, and the right to ask us not to process your information for marketing purposes. We are entitled to make a charge for giving you access but corrections are free, as are deletions from our marketing list. Please inform us immediately if you become aware that we are holding inaccurate or out-of-date information about you. Your address and postcode data can be edited in your account, but your name cannot. If you require any such changes to your name, please contact accounts@sellusyourcurrency.co.uk, specifying your reque
Deletion from our company email newsletter and associated company emails can be auctioned by also emailing accounts@sellusyourcurrency.co.uk
Copyright & Trademarks
No material protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary rights shall be uploaded, posted, submitted or otherwise made available on this website without the express permission (and agreement to the terms hereof) of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right and the burden of determining that any material is not protected by such rights rests with you. You shall be solely liable and hereby undertake to indemnify us and our officers , employees, agents, representatives and contractors for any damages resulting from any infringement of copyrights, proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from any uploading, posting or submission.
You may download, temporarily store, and use the information contained in or on one or more pages from this website for your own personal use and research. However, save where the same cannot be prohibited by law, you may not adapt, modify, copy, merge, translate, decompile, disassemble, permanently store (save in respect of any wallpapers and/or screensavers downloadable from this website), republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make such information or pages available to any other party or available on any website, online service or bulletin board of your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or on any other medium without our express prior written consent.
All designs, texts, graphics, codes and the selection or arrangement of them are the copyright or database rights of ours and/or are utilised by us under appropriate licences.
All trade marks, brand names and business names or logos contained in this website are proprietary to us and/or are utilised under appropriate licences.
You hereby grant to us a worldwide, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute and display any text and/or other materials posted on or submitted to this website by you, in whole or in part. You warrant that you have the right to grant such a licence and will at your own cost do all you reasonably can to give the title you purport to give us under it, and that such a right and licence shall be free from all charges, encumbrances and adverse rights.
You hereby waive and/or agree to procure the waiver of any and all moral rights (as set out at Chapter IV of Part I of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998) in and in relation to any text or submission which you may make to this website save that we reserve the right to identify you as the author of any submission which is published in whole or in part on this website.
What our suggested savings are based on.
Finding buy back rates online is not as easy as you may think. In our experience, the majority of companies / banks that offer this service fail to tell you what their rates actually are.
SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk savings claims are based on the following.
On a daily basis we shall verify our claim of "up to 6% saving" based on an average bank buy back rate. For the purpose of this calculation, we compare against currency note buy back rates issued daily by The Royal Bank of Scotland, which we deem as an average bank for buy back rates. Rates can be veiwed here
RBOS Buy Back Rates
On a daily basis we shall verify our claim of "up to 10% saving" based the post office buy back rate. For the purpose of this calculation, we compare against currency note buy back rates issued daily by The Post Office online.
Rates can be veiwed here
Post Office Buy Back Rates
Errors and Omissions
By opening an account with the company and hence accepting these terms and conditions, you hereby indemnify the company for any errors or omissions on this website. Errors and omissions include but are not limited to, incorrect buy back rates being displayed for certain or numerous currencies. The company shall update currency rates on a daily basis (but are not limited to) and shall endeavour to make sure rates are correctly displayed. In the case of client making a booking with an incorrect currency buy back rate being displayed, the company shall have the right to update the rate to the correct value and advise the client of the same without a breach of this agreement taking place.
The information contained and/or the opinions expressed on this website are provided for general information purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive, nor specific professional advice. Furthermore, any information provided is for guidance only. It is not intended to replace professional advice. We do not accept any responsibility and/or liability for the implementation of any advice provided. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the content of our website is accurate and up-to-date, we do not make any representations nor give any warranties of any kind (express or implied) with respect to the contents or operation of this website, and any such representations and warranties are expressly excluded.
Contact &Company Information
Correspondence address
The Cheque Shop Ltd
47 London Road
Contact Us tab (while logged into your account)
Email us at : General Enquires - enquiries@SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk
Support – support@SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk
Technical Problems – tech@SellUsYourCurrency.co.uk
Telephone - 0131 659 5769. Monday to Friday 10.30am to 4.30pm

Sellusyourcurrency.co.uk and webuybackcurrency.co.uk are trading styles of The Cheque Shop Ltd, a UK registered company with its registered offices at 47 London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5SP. Registration number SC185172.
The Cheque Shop Ltd is a data controller, registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and thus fully complies with the Data Protection Act 1998
The Cheque Shop Ltd is a registered Money Service Business (MSB) for foreign currency transactions. Registration number 12132361